

サウスパークは原作者の一人がリバタリアンのアニメです。 リバタリアンな小説や映画は数多くありますが、 サウスパークはこれらと異なりストレートにメッセージを送っているのが特徴です。 ここにも少し紹介があります。


South Park - 106 - Death

Kyle: Hey Stan, now that Terrance & Phillip has been taken off the air, what are we going to do for entertainment?
Stan: I don't know. We, we could start breathing gas fumes.
Cartman: My uncle says that smoking crack is kinda cool.
Kyle: Hey, why don't we watch some of those porno movie thingies?
Stan: Cool!
Cartman: Yeah!

解説:T&Pは子供たちが大好きな下品でバカなアニメ。 これが教育上よくないということでPTAがテレビ局に圧力をかけ放映を中止させる。子供たちは代わりの娯楽として薬物やポルノに手を出そうとする。

South Park - 208 - Summer Sucks

Jimbo: Hey there, boys!
Stan: Hi, Uncle Jimbo.
Jimbo: How come you're not blowin' things up? It's summer.
Kyle: Didn't you hear? They outlawed fireworks 'cause a little boy blew off his hands.
Jimbo: What?!
Stan: Yeah, they're not even having 'em at the lake this year.
Jimbo: Oh my God! Well, don't worry boys. Uncle Jimbo is on the case. Buckle your seat belt, Ned.
Ned: Mmmm-where are we going?
Jimbo: Mejico, my amigo.
Ned: Mmmm-why are we going to Mejico?
Jimbo: Buy fireworks. Just 'cause some kid blew off his hands doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer now, does it?
Ned: Are fireworks legal in Mexico?
Jimbo: Hell, everything's legal in Mejico. It's the American way.


South Park - 306 - Sexual Harassment Panda

Kyle: Tomorrow's trial, Everyone vs. Everyone, is gonna make things a lot worse! We have to stop it!
Gerald: Kyle, let me explain something to you.
Kyle: Hoh God, here we go.
Gerald: You see, Kyle, we live in a liberal, democratic society. And Democrats make sexual harassment laws. These laws tell us what we can and can't say in the workplace. And what we can and can't do in the workplace.
Kyle: Isn't that fascism?
Gerald: No, because we don't call it fascism. Do you understand?
Kyle: Do you?

解説:カイルの父親(弁護士)は相次ぐセクハラの訴訟で大儲けしている。 彼はセクハラに関する法律について息子に説明する。 「いいかカイル、お父さんたちは自由で民主的な社会に住んでいる。 そして民主党がセクシャル・ハラスメント法を作った。それには職場でやっていいことといけないことが書いてある」。 カイルは反論する。「それってファシズムじゃないの?」 父親「違う。なぜならわれわれはそれをファシズムと呼ばないからだ。わかったか?」

South Park - 403 - Quintuplets 2000

Cartman: Dude, what the hell happened?
Stan: The government came and got the quintuplets. No more Cirque du Cheville for us.
Kyle: Damnit! How come every time we get a sweet idea, the government has to screw it up?!
Stan: Yeah! Well, not this time!


South Park - 511 - The Entity

Mr. Garrison: Excuse me, what the hell are you doing?
Agent 1: It's alright, we're with the government.
Agent 2: We're just shutting you down.
Mr. Garrison: Shutting me down? Why?
Agent 3: The airlines are in desperate trouble. Your vehicle is causing them to lose money.
Mr. Garrison: Yeah, well that was the point, dingleberry! Ah-t put that down!
Agent 4: Right, so the governmentn is bailing the airlines out again, but shutting you down and making ITs illegal.
Mr. Garrison: OH, GOD-DAMNIT! You'd better be kidding!
Agent 5: Sir, many people work for the airlines. We can't let them all be fired.
Agent 6: That may be true. But if you build, sell, or ride another IT, "it" will be the last time. Have a nice night.
Mr. Garrison: HWAAAAHHH! Airline motherfuckerrrs! You pieces of shiiit! Cocksucking sons of bitch airlines!

解説:ギャリソンは空港の行列でとてもいやな思いをする。 そして飛行機に代わる画期的な乗り物を発明する。 それは飛ぶように売れるが、まもなく政府の役人がやってきて 販売は違法だと告げる。 役人「航空会社はこれのせいでひどく困っている。これのせいでお金を失っている。 航空会社には多くの人が勤めている。彼らを皆解雇するわけにはいかない」。 ギャリソンはぶち切れし、役人に最高レベルの罵倒を浴びせる。 「航空会社は自分たちの無能と非効率のせいで金を失っているんだ!」

(Thanks to http://www.planearium2.de/ for the scripts.)